Last year, when a school near my work in Baltimore wanted more books for their library, I happily got to work looking for books. Girls, brown kids, black kids, and urban environments are under-represented in children’s books, so I wanted to even things up by looking for books in those categories. My goal: find excellent children’s books with diverse characters, settings, and stories.
#brownkids #blackkids #girls #urban #financialhardship
My friend recently posted a link to a Women’s Day article by Jamie Ballard titled 18 Children’s Books About Race and Racism That Can Spark Conversation “These books about race and racism can help start important conversations in an age-appropriate way.”
Looking at that list of books, (which I can’t wait to read!) reminded me of the books I read and loved last year. Most of them don’t explicitly touch on the topic of race, and not all of them are racially diverse. However, they are excellent books that will bring balance to many home libraries.
Please check out some of these books even if you have white, boy, suburban kids! It’s good for all kids to see a wide variety of colors and circumstances. I give my honest reviews below.